The congregation of St. Paul Lutheran Church in Wartburg, TN was surprised with a special honor from the State of Tennessee in late November of 2017. At the request of state Senator Ken Yager, an official proclamation was issued honoring both the 170th anniversary of St. Paul’s and its positive impact in the community throughout its history. The proclamation was read in Nashville at the September general assembly and presented to Rev. David Graves and the congregation of St. Paul Lutheran on November 26, 2017—the Feast of Christ the King. Representative John Mark Windle and Senator Yager were in attendance for this special presentation. Senator Yager, who frequently interacts with St. Paul Lutheran on community projects and events, was the facilitator for the issuance of this special proclamation, which reads in part:
WHEREAS, St. Paul Lutheran Church is truly one of the great religious institutions and catalysts for positive spiritual change in our State and nation, and the members of this exceptional congregation should be appropriately honored for their exemplary service to their fellow Christians and to the good people of Tennessee;…”
Congratulations to Rev. Graves and the members of St. Paul Lutheran in Wartburg for this very special and unique recognition—and for 170 years of Christian service in their community!
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