Please note that the east region Mid-Winter Retreat previously scheduled from February 22-24 at Fall Creek Falls in Tennessee has been postponed until 2020. Planners determined that delaying this retreat will allow greater focus on preparation for the upcoming National Youth Gathering this summer.
February 22-24 @ Fall Creek Falls
Spread the word about the 2019 Mid-Winter Retreat for Sr. High Youth, coming up February 22-24 at beautiful Fall Creek Falls in Tennessee. Youth leaders from Our Savior Lutheran Church in Nashville and Grace Lutheran Church in Knoxville are joining forces to reach out to all surrounding congregations within the Mid-South District-and they have an exciting weekend planned for all who attend!
The cost to participate in the retreat is $50, which covers lodging, food and retreat materials. DCEs and youth leaders interested in signing their group up are asked to use the REGISTRATION LINK to provide some general information for planning purposes. For complete details on the Mid-Winter Retreat, please read the letter from Pastor Christensen, lead retreat coordinator. Watch for more on the Mid-Winter Retreat to be shared on the District website.