On Sunday, February 11, Chapel of the Good Shepherd Lutheran Church in Sharps Chapel, TN, celebrated the completion of their third annual Diaper Derby. This year’s total of 3307 diapers far exceeds the first two years – 726 in 2016 and 1414 in 2017. Kitty Lewis who heads the Union County Food Pantry joined the congregation to receive the diapers. Many neighbors of the church contributed to this year’s effort which was headed by Doreen and Mike Foley. Mike led the congregation in prayers for the families and infants who will use the diapers.
Other 2018 service events will include a Second Harvest food distribution sponsored by the TVA, Patriot Day baked goods baskets to honor first responders, and a table to give away toilet paper and paper towels at the Union County Christmas Charities in December.

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