On Sunday, January 7, 2018, members of Christ the King Lutheran Church, Memphis, gave thanks for the work of a very special lady, Mrs. Willie Garner. For the last 40 years, Willie has been handcrafting Baptism banners for each child of God baptized at CTK’s font. About twenty years ago, Confirmation banners were added to her loving tasks.
Willie, assisted by granddaughter Jessica Prince, continues to make beautiful banners which are much more than a keepsake of a special Sunday. They remain a constant reminder of the child’s Baptism and of the promise of salvation and the strengthening of faith brought by the Holy Spirit in this Sacrament of Word and water. That these banners hold a special place in the lives of children of Christ the King was evidenced by the many families who brought their banners to church on January 7, as a way to display to the congregation the depth of impact that Willie’s handiwork has had on the members of Christ the King through the years.
Special note was made of those families whose parents still had their banners from 30+ years ago, as they stood next to their children holding their more recent banners, celebrating a remarkable generation-to-generation continuity of faith.
Pastor Chuck Neugebauer invited Willie forward for a special thank you, a beautiful plaque, and a round of applause by a very grateful congregation. We know that Willie will continue to touch the hearts of the children as they reach these milestones of faith at their Baptism and Confirmation.
— Genie Swan
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