Jesus said in Matthew 9:37, “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few.” How true that is in the country of Haiti, where voodoo is sanctioned as a national religion and more than 50% of the general population worships Satan through voodoo rituals. To advance God’s Kingdom, the country desperately needs to train up more “workers” in the local Christian churches. There are currently thousands of children attending Christian schools throughout the country. When effectively trained, these children become the little missionaries God calls them to be, going home and teaching their families what they learned about Jesus Christ in school. However, there is a well-known phrase in Haiti that says, “An empty stomach has no ears!”.
Think about that for a minute. Can you imagine being SO hungry that you literally cannot retain anything you are taught? One twelve-year-old girl explained how she lost her sight due to having nothing to eat for several days. Fortunately, after receiving desperately needed nutrition, her eyesight returned. This is real-life in Haiti and Trinity HOPE is helping solve this terrible challenge.

Trinity HOPE is a mission ministry, started in 1999, that partners with Christian schools to share the love of Jesus with the children of Haiti one meal at a time. We are tremendously blessed to be able to add an additional 12,000 children, teachers, and cooks to the feeding programs throughout the country this school year. Through God’s grace, we are now serving over 42,000 meals each school day to these hungry children in over 200 Christian schools throughout the country. That is over 7,500,000 meals per year! Beyond receiving a nutritious noon meal each day to sustain their life, each child is now also better equipped to hear and retain the Gospel message their teachers and pastors are sharing with them at school. Feeding a child for a day is absolutely critical, but feeding a child the True Bread of Life that gives them eternal life in Heaven with Jesus is the real goal. That is exactly why every school Trinity HOPE feeds is required to be a Christian school.
If you would like to learn more about Trinity HOPE, please visit our website at www.trinityhope.org, or call us at 615-394-4950. Help us prepare the young missionaries in Haiti to bring more to the Kingdom of God! We thank and praise God for allowing these additional children to now be part of our programs and for your continued support of Trinity HOPE.

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