“All your children shall be taught by the Lord and great shall be the peace of your children.”
Isaiah 54:13
As many of you have probably heard, Haiti is in tremendous disarray right now. In fact, not long ago the U.N. identified Haiti as the most dangerous place in the world. Until international forces once again get involved (which is very controversial) to instill security alongside Haiti’s national police force, things will not improve and the people will continue to be plagued with kidnappings, murders, rapes, and crippling inflation. With that as the backdrop, we at Trinity HOPE are often asked, “Why do you keep doing this work when things don’t seem to ever improve?”. During the height of frustration, that’s an easy question to allow to slip into your mind.

But then we remember why we really do the work we do and recognize that THIS is the exact time a meal to a hungry child is most needed. Yes, our cost per meal has increased significantly right now. Yes, it’s more challenging than ever for the children to safely get to their school. Yes, our Feeding Program Directors are putting themselves in harm’s way to visit the schools and inspect the programs. But what’s our alternative?
In many cases, the children are already severely undernourished, and this single meal can literally be the lifeline that allows them to live another day. I realize that sounds dramatic, but the World Food Program currently estimates that 4.7 million Haitians are facing food insecurity (close to ½ the entire population). These children are the innocent victims and deserve to see a new tomorrow. One of these children may well be a force of change in the country at some point in the future. But maybe we’re wrong, and maybe a child we’re feeding won’t see tomorrow. Maybe they’re the ultimate victim of the gangs’ weapon of kidnapping and murder, or maybe they’re caught in the crossfire of two gangs’ turf wars and killed by a stray bullet. As much as those thoughts churn my stomach, it’s the reality they live in right now.
We know that by feeding children in a Christian school, Trinity HOPE is helping spread the Good News of Jesus Christ and, through the power of the Holy Spirit, even in these worst-case scenarios, our work may be impacting where that child spends eternity. If continuing to feed these children during these difficult times impacts even a single child’s ability to spend eternity in heaven, it’s worth the cost. God never promised us it would be easy. He called us to feed His children every school day, regardless of the conditions in Haiti. We trust in Him and obey His calling to do everything we can to make an eternal investment in the lives of these children. That is why we continue to do what we do.
Thank you for your continued support! You are truly making a difference in the lives of thousands of children! Together, we continue to pray for them.
For more information, or to make a donation visit us at www.trinityhope.org

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