The Rite of Installation was held for Rev. James Martin as he joined the pastoral staff as Associate Pastor for Grace Lutheran Church, Clarksville, TN. Participating in the Rite were (Front L-R) Rev. Trae Fistler, Hopkinsville; Rev. Koh Yamamoto, Christ Lutheran, Paris; Rev. Shawn Smith, Senior Pastor-Elect, Grace, Clarksville; Rev. Larry Peters, Grace, Clarksville; Rev. […]
District News - Congregations
12 New Members Join St. Matthew
St. Matthew Lutheran Church in Conway, AR was blessed to receive twelve new members on Sunday, July 28, 2024. Most of these individuals are new arrivals to Conway. Seven transferred in from other congregations, three joined by profession of faith, and two were adult confirmands. We give thanks to the Lord of the Church for […]
Deaconess at Grace Lutheran
Knoxville, TN The Rite of Commissioning of Deaconess Christina Childers took place at Grace Lutheran Church, Knoxville, on Sunday, August 28, 2024. She was commissioned by Rev. Danny Anderson, Senior Pastor of Grace Lutheran Church.
Hymn Festival & Lay Conference on Lutheran Hymnody
One Generation to Another: The Role of Music in Preserving the Witness of the ChurchHymn Festival & Lay Conference on Lutheran HymnodySaturday, October 12, 2024 at Grace Lutheran Church, Little Rock Lutheran Hymnody Conference: 9 AM – 2:30 PMHymn Festival: 3 PMGuest Pastor: Rev. William Weedon, St. Paul Lutheran Church, Hamel, IL and Lutheran Public […]
The Word of the Lord Endures Forever
Hope Lutheran, Batesville AR The devil despises the Word of God being taught rightly and the Sacraments being properly administered. He cannot stand to see faith strengthened and forgiveness delivered to people who are in need. This past week, that wicked, conniving, evil foe tried very hard to keep the Word away, but the Word […]
Christ the King Installs Associate Pastor Lynch
Memphis, TN On Sunday, June 30, Reverend Matthew Stuart Lynch was installed as an Associate Pastor at Christ the King Lutheran Church Memphis. Pastor Lynch, a recent graduate of Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, was ordained the week earlier at his home church of Our Savior Lutheran in Nashville. Pastor Matt joins Senior Pastor Chuck Neugebauer […]
Welcome Rev. Petering
The Rite of Installation was held for Rev. Jon Petering at Immanuel Lutheran Church, Memphis, on June 15, 2024. Attending clergy include (Lower Row L-R) Rev. Sawyer Meyer, Olive Branch; Rev. Michael Croom, Trinity; President Roger Paavola; Rev. Jon Petering; Rev. Jerry Stobaugh, Holy Spirit; Rev. Clayton Sellers; Faith. (Top Row L-R) Rev. Rob Harbin, […]
Welcome Rev. Lynch
The Rite of Ordination was held for Matthew Lynch on June 23, 2024, at his home congregation, Our Savior Lutheran Church, Nashville. Rev. Lynch will be installed as Associate Pastor of Christ the King in Memphis on Sunday, June 30. Attending for the Rite include (L-R) Rev. Curt Hoover, Faith Thompson Station; Rev. Mark Bushuiakovish, […]
Welcome Rev. Yamamoto
The Rites of Ordination and Installation for Rev. Koh Michael Yamamoto were held at Christ Lutheran Church, Paris, TN on Sunday, June 23. Attending clergy included (Top L-R) Rev. Joshua Reifsteck, Immanuel Murray, KY; Rev. Larry Peters, Grace Clarksville; Rev. Michael Dixon, Emeritus; Rev. Michael Trombley, Trinity, Fort Wayne, IN; Rev. David Appold, St Paul, […]
Local Festival is an Outreach
Prince of Peace Lutheran Church (White House, TN) Our Spring outreach event each year is the Strawberry Festival in Portland, TN. The Annual Festival was held May 10-11, 2024 and drew close to 10,000 visitors. Middle Tennessee is experiencing tremendous growth from people relocating from other states such as Illinois and California. This is an […]