The Rite of Installation was held at Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church, Horseshoe Bend, AR for Rev. Gerald Heinecke on Sunday, January 12, 2025. Pastor Heinecke was installed after a dual parish agreement was reached with Hope Lutheran in Batesville, Ar.
District Staff Lends a Hand for the Holidays
Staff of the Mid-South District Office had a great time volunteering at Neighborhood Christian Centers, Inc. (NCC) in Memphis in mid-December. The mission of NCC is “to guide those in need towards stability and sustainability through compassionate, Christ-centered ministries and empowerment programs.” Throughout the year, NCC serves those in need in the Memphis community through […]
Grace Celebration Lutheran Church Awarded LCMS Life Ministry Grant to Promote Life
Forgiven, A Post-Abortion Healing Retreat We are pleased to announce that Grace Celebration Lutheran Church in Cordova, Tennessee was awarded an LCMS matching Life Ministry Grant (Million Dollar Life Match) to promote life. Our partner in the grant project is a pro-life organization called Life Choices. Life Choices is a Memphis Pregnancy Medical Clinic that […]
Celebration of 50 years of God’s Grace!
Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church of Horseshoe Bend, AR celebrated 50 years of God’s Grace during the Divine service on Sunday, July 21st. It was the exact same date in 1974 the Rev. Ralph Bird, the newly called Pastor at Peace Lutheran Church, conducted the first service at the Lion’s Den (now Abbeys Dog […]
Luther Medals & Reformation Coins
Concordia Historical Institute ~ Clayton, Missouri Upcoming Museum Exhibit on Collecting Reformation Coins and Medals! Concordia Historical Institute (CHI) houses the most extensive institutional collection of Reformation coins and medals outside of Germany. For 175 years, Missouri Synod Lutherans have collected these Reformation pieces as memorials of their faith. Over the years, many of these coins and […]
District and Thrivent Send Hundreds to See Sound of Freedom
The recently released film Sound of Freedom has opened eyes and stirred hearts across the nation regarding the horrific reality of human trafficking, especially for the most vulnerable victims: innocent children. The film’s overriding message that “God’s children are not for sale” comes at a time when the Mid-South District is actively engaged in raising […]
We Welcome Rev. Clarence Martin
The Rite of Installation was held for The Rev. Clarence Martin at Messiah Lutheran Church on July 23, 2023. Pictured are (Front L-R) Rev. Jim Belles, Grace Celebration, Cordova; President Roger Paavola; Rev. Clarence Martin; Rev. Russell Belisle, Cross of Calvary, Memphis. (Back L-R) Rev. William Zwick, Memphis; Rev. Neil Vanderbush, Emeritus, Memphis; Rev. Mark […]
We Welcome Rev. Jacob Childers
The Rite of Ordination and Installation was held for Rev. Jacob Childers on Sunday July 9, 20223 at Grace Lutheran Church, Knoxville. Pastor Childers was Called to become the Associate Pastor for Grace Lutheran after completing his Master’s of Divinity from Concordia Seminary, St Louis this Spring. Joining in the service were (Front L-R: Rev. […]
2023 Call Day — Concordia Seminary, St. Louis
On April 26, 95 Concordia Seminary, St. Louis students took part in Call Day Wednesday, receiving first calls to pastoral and diaconal ministry, or assignments as vicars and deaconess interns. The Mid-South District is pleased to receive the following candidates:
Job Comfort dog—Collierville
At Christ the King, Memphis, congregants are accustomed to seeing the wagging tail and friendly eyes of Job Comfort Dog every Saturday and Sunday before and after worship. Children line up to pet this beautiful, well-trained golden retriever, and adults come by to get their weekly dose of that silky fur and calm countenance. Out […]