Over 200 members of Christ the King Lutheran Church in Memphis spent a recent Sunday afternoon acknowledging and thanking the many volunteers who – out of love for their Savior and their fellow members and the community at large – give tirelessly of their gifts and talents. After a catered dinner by Coletta’s, those gathered enjoyed a brief video, narrated by Pastor Mark Goble, with encouraging words from congregation president Mike Jurgensen and senior pastor Chuck Neugebauer, highlighting many of the areas of service in which members are involved. (See the “Celebration of Servants” video by visiting the “CTKMemphis” youtube channel.)
Following the video, volunteers in each area of service – worship, craftsmanship, fellowship and hospitality, caring and kindness, evangelism, youth, children and family ministry, missions, Christian education, and leadership – were asked to stand and applauded. This gave everyone an opportunity to thank others who have encouraged them and assisted them in their faith life by providing a model of servanthood. Blank thank you cards were provided at each table so that those in attendance could write personal notes of appreciation to someone who had touched their lives at CTK. An additional highlight was the presence of Jewel Comfort Dog and her handlers from Loudon, TN, who joined in the celebration and answered questions from CTK members who are eagerly awaiting their own Comfort Dog from Lutheran Church Charities.

The afternoon’s program, emceed by Johnny Behnke, ended with a spectacular “Beatles Reunion,” with Pastor Chuck, Hollis Prince, and Jeremy McDonald rocking it out on stage. You can catch all the highlights of the afternoon, including The Beatles, by visiting http://ctkmemphis.com/live-video-streaming, and scrolling down to Celebration of Servants.
We are continuing the “thank you’s” by providing blank cards at the

Information Desk each Sunday so that quick, thoughtful notes can be penned, and then delivered each week. We are very grateful for the long-standing tradition of willing volunteers who serve the Lord and His Church at Christ the King, in the community, and around the world.
Contributed by ~ Genie Swan
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