April 2021 Update
Church Dedication
On Sunday, April 25, the members of The Chapel of the Good Shepherd Lutheran Church dedicated their new church building to the service of Christ Jesus the Good Shepherd. Over 75 people attended the worship service that culminated four years of work to create a Lutheran presence in the community. Rev. Paul Kritsch has led the congregation that started with interested people in his community-wide Bible studies.
January 2021 Update
Furniture builder Tommy Aslinger, and his wife Pat, delivered the lectern, the first of the chancel furniture for our new church. Pat and Tommy are both members of St. Paul Lutheran Church, Wartburg, TN. The lectern, pulpit, altar, and communion rail have been donated by various donors. More steps taken by God’s grace working through the generosity of His people!
A concrete driveway, has been poured that will make access easier for drivers, as well as help people with mobility concerns to get to the steps and the ramp. Lord willing, we hope to someday expand the concrete driveway so that it also includes the main entrance. The rest of the parking will be gravel. We always are amazed at the ample room our church lot allows for parking. Thank you, Lord!
Chapel of the Good Shepherd Lutheran Church in Sharps Chapel has broken ground for their new church building. The building site is at 681 Sharps Chapel Road, less than two miles from Route 33. Lord willing, the church will be completed in about six to eight months.
The new building will include a sanctuary, a fellowship hall, and a pastor’s office. The congregation currently holds services each Sunday at 10:30 am in the Sharps Chapel Community Center. “We are a very active congregation which conducts numerous local service projects,” stated the Rev. Paul Kritsch, pastor of the church. “We have been working hard to get to this point of having our own building and are excited by what the Lord is doing. Our church motto is ‘Christ leads the way, stay close to Him.'”
The congregation’s current service project is the annual Baby Food Buffet. Over the past few years the church has gathered thousands of baby food items for distribution to local families through the Union County Food Pantry. Please call the church at 865-279-1279 if you would like to make a contribution.

The foundation of the Lutheran church is beginning to appear. Chris Rutherford of Foot By Foot Construction is the contractor.
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