In the Southeast of Lake Victoria Diocese of the Lutheran church of Tanzania and across Africa, congregations are usually able to build the walls of their church using available materials like mud brick. Members of the church often dig the foundation, make bricks and construct the walls for the new buildings. Then they must fund raise to purchase bags of cement, and other building materials, the cost of roofing is out of reach for a small congregation, so often worship goes on for years within the four walls, but with no roof.
This project is to help provide money to purchase building materials, a sheet of roofing steel cost around USD$20, and roof trusses cost $100 each. The cost to roof a church could range from $3000 USD to over $6000 depending on the size.
Please consider making a donation, joining with your local congregation and the LCMS to help these new Christians complete their church building, so that they can have a dry and long-lasting place for God to come to his people in the Word and the Sacraments.
Become a part of Missions to support Church roofs for Africa and Tanzania. Send a gift thru one of the following; include memo line AA0001-61045 Church Roofs.
Mid-South District LCMS
1675 Wynne Road
Cordova, TN 38016
The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod
P.O. Box 66861
St Louis, MO 63166-6861
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