Christ the King Lutheran Church, Memphis, observed Armed Forces Sunday on November 8, 2015, with guest preacher Chaplain Craig Muehler, Director, LCMS Office of Ministry to the Armed Forces. Highlights of the day included the choral medley saluting each branch of the military, a special children’s message honoring our veterans, and the presentation of five Quilts of Valor to veterans touched by war, including a surprise presentation to Chaplain Muehler.

In addition, each veteran was greeted with the pinning of a red ribbon, and children were given a “quilt square” to sign and give to a ribbon-wearing veteran thanking him or her for serving our country.
A reception was held after the second service during which the beautiful quilts, handmade by CTK’s “Sewn to Honor” quilting group, were awarded to Mr. Ken Faba (Army), Mr. Clay Lewis (Air Force), Mr. Rick Adams (Navy) — all VietNam veterans — and Ms. Charlotte Larson, who served as a U.S. Navy corpsman in World War II.
Both active and retired military personnel were honored with a listing in the bulletin, and our deceased veterans were included in the roll as well, as they remain dear to our hearts.
In addition to delivering an inspiring message based on 1 Peter 3:13-18, urging us to “be prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you,” Chaplain Muehler also led the Adult Bible Class, focusing on the Operation Barnabas initiative, and the role of chaplains in today’s military.
CTK is proud of those who serve and who have served our country, and is most appreciative of their sacrifice and that of their families.
Contributed by – Genie Swan || Photo credit — Caroline Johnson
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