Deaconesses have become an active participant in ministry in the South East of Lake Victoria Diocese (SELVD). Recently the focus of these women has broadened to include a number of components. Deaconesses Lilian Makala, Stella Matary, Esther Mangesho and Linda Funke are working on the Community Health Evangelism program. Esther is the coordinator for that program that focuses on bringing health awareness into schools. Deaconess Matrida Sanga is still heading up the Right to Live with Albinism project that teaches young women with albinism to sew, bake, make lotions, and other entrepreneurship skills with a goal of becoming self-supporting. Deaconess Edna Shoo and Deaconess Leah Charles are doing parish deaconess work. They coordinate efforts to serve people in their respective communities who are suffering from illness or poverty. Deaconess Justina Nsekela is the matron for the Home of Peace orphanage in Bariadi. Deaconess student Grace Mutabuzi serves as the SELVD’s Director of Education and Deaconess student Rose Mono is working with Amber Reed (GLO Missionary) to build up the SELVD’s new daycare program.

The deaconesses were trained at the Bishop Emmanuel Makala Training Center in Negezi, by Sandra Rhein and Amy Rast from the Deaconess program at Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne, and by Deaconess Linda Funke who is currently serving in Mwadui, Tanzania. Additional training also took place at a Lutheran College in Kenya.
These women are eager to bring their talents to the Body of Christ. This training program is one aspect of the partnership between the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod (LCMS) and the South East of Lake Victoria Diocese (SELVD).
The concept of meeting needs with mercy undergirds their ministry. If you would like more information about the work in Tanzania, please contact Bob Allen at rjallen@prodigy.net.

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