The office of Development exists to facilitate giving opportunities to support the District in its mission to serve ministries and workers across Arkansas, Tennessee and Southwestern Kentucky.
The work of the Mid-South District impacts not only our ministries and workers, but Gospel-sharing efforts that reach far beyond the District boundaries. This work is made possible by both mission commitments from District congregations and support from generous donors. Unrestricted gifts intended for use “where needed most” are designated for the Mid-South District’s IMPACT Fund. Since 2012, over $3.2 million in generous donor support has been contributed to this fund. These gifts are vital as the District pursues its mission of:
“providing leadership, resources and encouragement for reaching the lost for Christ’s Kingdom and equipping the found for service in our churches, communities and the world.”
For more on the Mid-South District’s mission and strategic plan, please take a moment to learn about the Blueprint for Ministry.
If you or your congregation would like to know more about ways to support District ministry through current or future gifts, please use our contact form to share a request for the Development team.