Prayers and Help Flow In Following Hurricane Helene:
Following Hurricane Helene in late September, many have responded to the Mid-South District’s call for support through gifts to the Disaster Relief Fund. To date, $45,000 has been received to provide aid to those impacted by Hurricane Helene—especially by the storm’s resulting floods in east Tennessee, the Carolinas and Georgia.
But financial gifts are only part of the story. Across the District—and outside the Mid-South—congregational LERTs (Lutheran Early Response Teams), congregation families, schools, and other types of Lutheran groups have provided manpower, supplies, food and so many other means of support for those whose lives have been turned upside down by this tragic event. Scroll down to see some of the inspiring images of compassion that have been shared of Lutheran congregations and groups reaching out in Christ’s love to help storm victims.
You can help in the Helene relief effort through a donation to the Mid-South District’s Disaster Relief Fund. This fund not only resources the day-to-day operations of the District’s Disaster Relief teams, but also provides direct support to storm victims for immediate needs such as food and housing. You can share a gift in two ways:
- GIVE ONLINE — “Give Now” at and select “Disaster Relief Fund” as the designation.
- GIVE BY CHECK — Gifts by check can be made payable to Mid-South District LCMS with “Disaster Relief” noted as the designation. Please send donations by check to MID-SOUTH DISTRICT / 1675 WYNNE ROAD / CORDOVA TN 38016.

Gifts can also be shared directly with the Disaster Relief ministries of the Southeastern District LCMS and the Florida-Georgia District LCMS:
SOUTHEASTERN DISTRICT — Online Gifts: “Hurricane Helene Support,” or mail to Southeastern District LCMS Disaster Response, 2305 N Parham Rd. / Suite 200 / Henrico, VA 23229.
FLORIDA-GEORGIA DISTRICT — Online Gifts: “Disaster Response,” or mail to Florida-Georgia District LCMS Disaster Response, 5850 TG Lee Blvd. / Suite 500 / Orlando, FL 32822
UPDATES and PHOTOS of Mid-South Disaster Response Following Helene:
UPDATE FROM REV. ERIC LONGMAN, Sr. Pastor at Holy Trinity Lutheran Church in Rogers, AR (Oct. 7, 2024) —
We put out a call for donations on Wednesday afternoon, and by Thursday had received enough water, diapers, formula, toilet paper, paper towels, pet food, shelf-stable food, and other supplies to completely pack the church van. We left early Friday morning and drive through to Roswell, Georgia where we stayed with some friends. On Saturday, we drove the final four hours to Asheville. Our route worked well; we came up from the south, going from Atlanta to Spartanburg and then straight in on I-26W. Aside from some closed lanes here and there and a slowdown just past Hendersonville, it was easy. Coming from Tennessee seems almost impossible. I know that I-26 is closed at the TN/NC line (open on the NC side), and I-40 west of Asheville is likely closed for the next year. But coming in from the south was no problem.

We worked with Emmanuel Lutheran Church in Asheville and Rev. Dr. Jeff Skopak. They have become a primary distribution point in Western NC, although at this point they’re diverting physical donations to Conover to hold until they’re ready for them. Orphan Grain Train dropped off 29,000 lbs of supplies yesterday, and there are two more tractor-trailers coming from them. Also yesterday a tanker of water pulled up at church. I believe they are hoping to be able to hook it up to their water system so that they can have flushable toilets and running water for washing so they can open up their school and ECE. My son-in-law, Alexi Lundquist, is the DCE at Emmanuel, and is organizing their distribution efforts. He’s doing an amazing job.
As for conditions on the ground; everywhere we went was passable, but you can see the devastation from the flooding. We spoke with one couple who lost everything to the flood…from their SECOND FLOOR apartment! But the congregation is coming together and doing what we Christians do best: helping.
IMAGES FROM SUSAN BURKEY, Admin. Asst. at Bethlehem Lutheran Church in Johnson City, TN (Oct. 9, 2024) —
Bethlehem Lutheran Church in Johnson City is one of several congregations serving as a home base for LERTs deploying to help in the recovery effort. The church is also taking in massive amounts of supplies as part of this effort. Susan shared a few images of the activity and donated supplies at Bethlehem.

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