Celebrate and Honor a Special Church Worker
As you know, your Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) congregation is part of a regional group of LCMS ministries and church workers called the Mid-South District. You can think of the Mid-South District as your congregation’s extended LCMS family! Just like your congregation, the Mid-South District engages in ministry, driven by the mission to “provide leadership, resources and encouragement for reaching the lost for Christ’s Kingdom and equipping the found for service in our churches, communities and the world.” A significant emphasis of district ministry is encouraging and supporting current church workers, as well as helping new workers answer the Call to serve. This work—and all district ministry—is made possible by both mission commitments from District congregations and support from generous donors, like you.
Through the end of 2023, as we celebrate workers, we invite individuals to partner in district ministry by sharing a gift in honor or memory of a church worker. If there is a Lutheran pastor, teacher, principal, Director of Christian Ed, or other church worker who has impacted you in a special way, you can share a gift in their honor. What a great way to support district ministry!
Thanks to the support of two generous donors, the first $50,000 in “honored worker” gifts will be matched!
Gifts honoring a worker can be shared in the following ways:
ONLINE — Click here or select the GIVE NOW button at the top of this page. On the giving page, enter your gift in the “IMPACT – Honor a Church Worker” field. You can also enter the name of the honored Worker (or even a future Professional Church Worker) on the form.
MAIL-IN — To share a gift by check, please make your donation payable to “Mid-South District IMPACT” and mail it to the Mid-South District Office at 1675 Wynne Road, Cordova TN, 38016. Please print and include a completed GIFT FORM, or enclose a note with the name of the honored church worker (please designate “in memory” for a deceased honoree).
When you share a gift in honor or in memory of a Professional Church Worker through the end of 2023, the honoree’s name will be added to the District’s “Honored Worker Wall.” This list of honored workers will also appear in upcoming issues of the monthly Encourager and district supplement of the Lutheran Witness.
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