May 5-7, 2025
The Lodge at Montgomery Bell
1000 Hotel Avenue
Burns, TN 37029
Register by March 20, 2025
The 2025 East Pastors’ Conference is quickly approaching. You will not be required to call the hotel for room reservations for this conference. The hotel requires a rooming list from the District. To assist us in making your reservations, please indicate your roommate and your date of arrival and departure on your registration form. Rooms are reserved for the conference through March 20, 2025. We must have your reservation by then. After that date, any rooms not reserved will be released back to the hotel.
Register NowMeals
The conference fee for meals provides five meals and all breaks.
NOTE: No lunch will be served on Monday and Wednesday for our group. You will need to eat lunch before you arrive on Monday.
What is the cost?
The rate is $160.00 per night for a private room or $80.00 per night if you will be sharing with another Pastor. If your spouse is attending with you, your room rate will be $160.00 per night.
Registration Fee $100.00
Meals – includes 3 meals and all breaks $250.00
Hotel Accommodations (Shared Room) $160.00
TOTAL $510.00
NOTE: If you want a single room, your total cost will be $670.00.
RETIRED PASTORS (See “Retired Pastors” Below)
Your wives are invited to attend. We would ask that you pay an additional $250 for meals if they plan on eating with you. If your wife is attending and will be eating meals with you, your total cost will be $920.00.
If more than one pastor from a congregation is attending, the congregation pays for each pastor’s meals and accommodations but only one registration fee. Per the standing rules adopted by the conference, all District congregations (including those vacant, served part-time or served by a deacon) are expected to pay the registration fee. In addition, even when a Pastor is unable to attend the conference, his congregation is still expected to pay the registration fee.
Mileage Reimbursement
This expense is the responsibility of the congregation.
Retired Pastors
Retired Pastors, who are members of the Mid-South District, are guests of the conference. The conference will pay the retired Pastors’ registration fee, lodging (sharing with another pastor), and meal expense. The district will be billed for room charges. If you do not have a roommate, a retired pastor should pay an additional $160.00 ($80.00 per night) for the room.
There will be no reimbursement for mileage.
Retired Pastors are expected to pay for any spousal lodging and meals. Please send a check for $410.00 to the Mid-South District for expenses for your spouse, which includes ½ the room rate and meals for your spouse.
The conference keynote speaker will be The Rev. Dr. Joel Elowsky with the theme, The Context and Contours of the Nicene Council and Its Creed: Then and Now.
Dr. Joel Elowsky is professor of Historical Theology at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis. He also is the director of the Seminary’s Center for the Study of Early Christian Texts and is a researcher for the Center for Early African Christianity at the Oden House in New Haven, Conn. He has been a faculty member at Concordia Seminary since 2014.
Since 2004, he has been part of the ecumenical group Evangelicals and Catholics Together. He has served as a participant in dialogues between evangelicals and the Vatican, delivering a paper in Vatican City on Scripture and tradition in 2010. He also is a board member of the China Academic Consortium and a member of the International Association of Patristic Studies and the Society of Biblical Literature. He serves as president of the Institute for Classical Christian Studies, which has ties with Yale University. He has lectured extensively in Africa on behalf of Concordia Seminary as a researcher and lecturer for the Center for Early African Christianity.
Additional presenters are Rev. Eric Phillips and Lutheran Family Service. More information regarding Lutheran Family Service is available here, The conference agenda can be found at this link, EPC 2025 Agenda
Special Note
The conference fee for meals does not include lunch on Monday and Wednesday.