Sharps Chapel, TN
On the Day of Pentecost, May 31, Chapel of the Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, Sharps Chapel celebrated the fifth anniversary of their first worship service by officially breaking ground for their first church building. “Normally a groundbreaking occurs before construction begins,” Rev. Paul Kritsch, pastor of the church noted. “However, these last several months have been anything but typical.”
The day began with the congregation gathering inside what will be the lower level of their building. Officers and members took turns turning over shovels full of dirt “in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.” From there they processed to the Norris Shores Pavilion for a worship service followed by a church picnic, all while observing safe distancing practices.
While waiting for their building to be completed, the church continues to hold Sunday worship services at 10:30 am on Zoom.
One of the roof trusses which will be lifted into place. Photo by Tom McCaffery View from where the pulpit will be looking across the sanctuary toward the narthex. Photo by Tom McCaffery View from the pulpit looking toward the fellowship hall. Photo by Tom McCaffery The congregation gathers in the lower level of their building. Margo McCaffery turns over shovels full of dirt. The flowers mark the approximate location of the altar which will be on the main level.
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