Trinity Lutheran Church in North Little Rock hosted a presentation by Mr. Samuel Preus, Director of Development for Luther Classical College (LCC) on October 28 for Congregations throughout Arkansas. This meeting coincided well with Reformation Day being celebrated as it is 95 weeks before the opening of this new college, sponsored by Mount Hope Lutheran Church in Casper, Wyoming of the Wyoming District.
LCC will be distinctly Lutheran, classical, and conservative for the sole purpose of preparing Lutherans to serve inside and outside of the church. With plans to enroll 60 students in the fall of 2025 (and eventually a total of 300) it will promote Christian marriage, family, and piety while preparing students to think logically and confess boldly the Lutheran faith. To do this it will offer two degrees a Bachelors or an Associates in Classical Liberal Arts. This degree is attractive because it creates students who think critically in a world that needs critical thinkers.
With its efficient model it will also be able to offer an incredibly affordable tuition at $8500 a year as well as affordable on-campus housing. To remove the influence of the world upon LCC, the school will also not accept any federal assistance. LCC returns to the grassroots of how our LCMS colleges began, by congregations and their members coming together to support this effort. In just two years they have gained support from over 250 congregations with the goal of 300 at the end of this year. They have also gained over a 1000 monthly individual sponsors giving between $10 and $250 a month.
To learn more about or how to support Luther Classical College, go to or contact Mr. Samuel Preus at

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