We extend our deep gratitude to the Mid-South District quilters and kit-makers. Because of your commitment to making quilts and kits year-round, Lutheran World Relief is sending these valuable resources and bringing hope to our neighbors who have lost everything. Watch the movie as our warehouse team prepares a shipment of LWR Mission Quilts, Personal Care Kits and Baby Kits to be delivered to Turkey.
At this time, financial gifts are the number one need to assist our neighbors who are injured, hungry and displaced from multiple earthquakes. Your congregations’ generosity will ensure that we are able to deliver quilts, kits and urgently needed aid to hard-to-reach places as quickly as possible, and expand our response into the future. Gifts can be made now at or by mailing a check to the address below.
Your quick and faithful response is reaching earthquake survivors and ensuring that Lutherans are at the front lines to share God’s love with our neighbors when they need it most. Thank you.

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