As part of the Main Street Living services, the South Dakota District invited participants in the program to stay over the weekend for a pheasant hunt. The participants who were able to stay for the weekend were:
(L-R Front) Rev. Christopher Esget, Fifth Vice President of Synod; Rev. Dale Sattgast, South Dakota District President Emeritus; Rev. David Kneffelkamp, White, SD (L-R Back) Rev. Roger Paavola, President of the Mid-South District; Rev. Nabil Nour, Fourth Vice President of Synod; Rev. Joshua Baumann, Pierre, SD; Terry Liebel, Burke, SD; and Dr. Michael Kumm, Chairman LCMS Board of Directors.
Main Street Living is a Lutheran Television Program that is endorsed by The South Dakota District of The Lutheran Church — Missouri Synod. The program is financially supported through the support of the viewers and congregations of the viewing area. Learn more about them at
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