“Many Hands Make Light Work” this old adage is certainly true when it comes to Christ the King’s membership pitching in to show “holy hospitality” at Room in the Inn each month. For eleven months out of the year, CTK provides an evening meal, breakfast, and snacks, as well as fellowship and assistance to the guests for Room in the Inn at the neighboring Colonial Cumberland Presbyterian Church. It takes around 30 volunteers each month, providing over 100 volunteer hours.
Averaging about 12 -15 men and women each month, guests come to us through the Room in the Inn screening and enjoy a wonderful night of fellowship, dinner, and a comfortable place to sleep. Volunteers cook and serve dinner, make beds, clean the kitchen, assist guests in choosing items from the Clothes Closet and hygiene room, staff the showers, spend the night as Shepherds, strip the beds and launder the linens, prep and serve breakfast, and deliver the guests downtown.
It does indeed take a village each time CTK serves our unsheltered neighbors. We look forward to the day in the not-too-distant future when our planned building expansion allows us to host our own Room in the Inn. For more information, contact Clarice Hunt (huntcet@netscape.net) or Christy Hill in CTK’s church office (901-682-8404 or churchoffice@ctkmemphis.com).

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