The theme of the day Lord, I love the habitation of Your house and the place where Your glory dwells” Psalm 26:8.
120 worshippers joined the festivities on Sunday, August 30, 2015 as Messiah Lutheran Church, Pea Ridge, Arkansas, dedicated and cut the ribbon to their new 4000 square foot addition.
“Under God’s care everything went smoothly in the building process,” said Marty Adams, foreman of the construction and charter member of the congregation founded eight years ago, August 24, 2008, under the leadership of Rev. Neil Vanderbush. The congregation which began in a daycare building soon outgrew the facilities and so three years later in December 2010 they dedicated a new sanctuary. With only a couple of Sunday School rooms, classes were soon also meeting in the hallway and in the church office. Besides restrooms and storage rooms, the lower floor includes four Sunday School rooms and a youth room.
Ada Whitake, a five-year-old, excitedly said, “Thank you for our new room and tables and chairs.” her twin sister, Clair added, “This is a beautiful room!” For years the congregation had to take down the sanctuary chairs and set up tables and chairs for many of the activities. Upstairs the addition includes a new fellowship hall, on the ground level, that will normally seat one hundred and an open kitchen which facilitates the preparing and serving of food. “The new kitchen is wonderful and a lot easier to work in with all the extra room”, commented Jenni Blood, the member who was instrumental in the design of the addition. The youngest members of the congregation enjoyed the new indoor playroom and a large, well equipped playground.
“This dedication day is truly a zenith day for our congregation and all the ministries we can now carry on to God’s glory,” said the Rev. Richard Mayer, pastor of the congregation. “This addition is consistent with the rapid growth in Northwest Arkansas, and will be a real boost for our Christian witness in this community,” added Greg Jones, chairman of the congregation. The services were followed with a wonderful dinner prepared and served by the ladies of the congregation.
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