Springdale, AR

The church family of Living Savior Lutheran Church in Springdale, AR celebrated the very special installation of a pastor on February 11, 2024. Retired pastor Rev. Roger Sterle had actually served the congregation in a temporary capacity since December 2021. Pastor Sterle and the congregation of Living Savior forged a strong bond over the two years that followed as the church underwent a major move. Formerly located in Lowell, AR, Living Savior’s church property was sold in 2020, leading them to a temporary worship space in nearby Springdale—and a search for a new church home. Acquired later that same year, the new home would be a historic school building in Springdale. But a long re-zoning and renovation process had to happen first. Rev. Sterle and his wife, Shirley, were with the congregation through much of this challenging time for Living Savior, making the May 2023 dedication of the new building a much-celebrated occasion for all! The natural next step for the church was to extend a call to Rev. Sterle. Congratulations to Rev. Sterle and the congregation of Living Savior Lutheran Church as they continue their journey together in the Springdale community!

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