The following are online classes that will be soon taught at the Mission Training Center, MTC, at Concordia University in Portland, OR.
MTC009 God’s Mission in the Early Church: The Time of Christ to 1500 AD
(Begins Aug. 4) 8 hours
This course explores the history and workings of the early church: God’s missional purpose being worked out in the first fifteen centuries of Christ’s Church, and implications for knowing the presence, power, and purpose of God in our time, in our life, and in our calling.
MTC003 The Christian Faith: Doctrine
(Begins Aug. 18) 16 hours
This course presents a systematic study of the historic basic doctrine of the Christian Church from the Lutheran perspective as seen through God’s missional movement in the world. The course will focus on Creation, Redemption, and the Means of Grace.
MTC007 Teaching the Faith
(Begins Sept. 6) 16 hours
This foundational course examines the principles and practices of missional Christian education at the parish level. Special attention is given to a Lutheran perspective of education, learning styles and techniques, the art of teaching, on-going catechesis, and educational leadership in the parish, all in order to develop disciples of Christ make disciples. This course will concentrate its activities and readings on the subject of creative Biblical education in the context of a Lutheran parish.