Back Row (L to R): Rev. Keith Enko, Rev. Alan Thoe, Rev. Carl Wenck, Rev. Greg Bauch, Rev. Curt Hoover, Rev. Ken Shaw.
The Rite of Ordination and Installation for Rev. Tim Hunze was held on May 26, 2018 at Emmanuel Lutheran Church, Hermitage, TN. Pastor Hunze has worked as a deacon with congregations in central Tennessee for 16 years, and was approved for Ordination by the Colloquy Committee for Pastoral Ministry, LCMS this Spring. Those in attendance with Pastor Hunze include, (Front Row L-R) President Roger Paavola, President-Emeritus David Callies, Rev. David Rubke, Rev. Tim Hunze, Rev. Andrew Abraham, Rev. John Schultz, Rev. Eric Phillips. (Back Row L-R) Rev. Keith Enko, Rev. Allan Thoe, Rev. Carl Wenck, Rev. Greg Bauch, Rev. Curt Hoover, and Rev. Ken Shaw.
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