Mark your calendar for the Pastors Wives Retreat
The guest speaker will be Jan Struck. Contact the District Office for details.
West Pastors Wives Retreat
October 5-6, 2018 (Fri.-Sat.)
DeGray Lake Resort,
Bismarck, AR
East Pastors Wives Retreat
October 12-13, 2018 (Fri.-Sat.)
Clarion Inn, Cookeville, TN
Jan Struck 
Jan’s “Life Story” has included the blessing of mothering three children, teaching school, working in secretarial and administrative job positions, and experiencing single parenthood after divorce. Additional “surprises”, from a loving and delightful Creator, have brought the joy of a second marriage and a combined family that totals six grown children, their spouses, eleven grandchildren, and one great-grandson. She is delighted to have been given a lifetime of bizarre experiences and an ability to see humor and irony in her journey.
Jan’s work career is as a trainer/consultant in the field of healthcare technology. She has assisted clients in Washington, DC, Dallas, and Houston to implement systems of electronic medical recordkeeping systems. Her ministry is the blessing of serving the Lord as a popular speaker leading Bible studies, workshops, and women’s retreats, Jan has traveled extensively in the Midwest, as well as far west as Idaho and east as North Carolina. Her involvement with LWML (Lutheran Women’s Missionary League) has enabled her to bring the gift of laughter to numerous district national conventions. Mostly recently, Jan was a presenter at the national LWML convention in Tampa and the LWML-Canada convention in Regina, Saskatchewan.
With over 35 years of experience in teaching, motivating, and entertaining her audiences, Jan brings a fresh approach to the journey of faith and uses her sense of humor as she shares her life with fellow travelers and leaves them laughing. Her trust and faith in Christ is her reason to make a “joyful noise unto God”!!
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