Covenant Presbyterian Church and School in Nashville

On Monday, March 27, 2023, tragedy struck the community of Covenant Presbyterian Church and School in Nashville as six people — three children and three adults — were killed by a lone shooter. The city was in shock, as were we all. On Monday afternoon, Job Comfort Dog’s ministry coordinator Genie Swan at Christ the King, Memphis, was contacted by Lutheran Church Charities (LCC) to ask if Job could join five other LCC Comfort Dogs from around the country in Nashville by the next day, in response to an invitation from Rev. Lane Reuter of Our Savior Lutheran Church, Nashville. We had “paws on the ground” by 2PM on Tuesday, March 28. There ensued a week of visiting with those experiencing the pain of grief, gathering at the memorial site, in private homes, and in surrounding schools. The community welcomed the dogs with open arms, and were able to mourn, to share precious memories, and to feel a glimmer of hope as these peaceful dogs and their caring handlers ministered to each adult and child. While this kind of deployment – in the wake of random shootings – previously have occurred perhaps once a year, they now are occurring with heartrending frequency. The LCC Comfort Dogs never charge for their presence but are always ready to serve at a moment’s notice. If you are interested in learning more about Job’s deployment to Nashville or would like a brief presentation about the trip, contact Genie Swan at
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