Sharing practical ways to connect with the unchurched, de-churched and uncommitted in the Mid-South District
Why Each 1 Reach 1?
Each 1 Reach 1 is an organized evangelism effort to help Lutherans across the Mid-South District carry out their calling through the Great Commission: to make disciples of all nations (Matt. 28:16-20). Alarming declines in membership across all mainline Christian denominations—not just Lutheran—indicate an urgent need for the Good News of Christ to be shared. Yet sharing the Gospel with confidence can be a difficult task. Fears of “not getting it right” or making people uncomfortable can keep us from sharing the gift of Christ with others. Through Each 1 Reach 1, Lutherans in the Mid-South District have access to resources and educational events that take the guesswork and anxiety out of evangelism by emphasizing practical ways to connect with others and start the conversation about Jesus.
In the Mid-South District alone, there are over 3 million people who do not know the love of Christ.
A network of support and resources will provide encouragement in building discipleship skills. There are three levels of support — Circuit Level with a Circuit E1R1 Coordinator, Local Level with a Congregation E1R1 Leader and the Personal Level with Bible Studies & Sermon Series.

For more information download the brochure (pdf)
To setup a presentation or host a workshop please contact
Missy Washburn / / 866.373.1343, ext. 3101
Candy Habich, President – Mid-South District LWML / /423-323-1188
LWML and the Mid-South District
A perfect partnership for evangelism Partnerships are created when it is determined that “two” will be far more effective than just “one.” That is certainly the case with the partnership between the Mid-South District and the Lutheran Women’s Missionary League (LWML) of the Mid-South. These two entities possess critical strengths needed to fully deploy and maximize the impact of Each 1 Reach 1—an evangelism effort that seeks to break down the most common barriers to sharing the Gospel. Through this partnership, the “servant heart” mentality of the LWML is joining forces with the vast network and resources of the Mid-South District to bring a practical approach to evangelism to our Lutheran congregations. By God’s grace, this cooperative effort will result in the empowerment of bold witnesses and more hearts being opened to the Truth of Christ.
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