“Jesus answered him, ‘Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in paradise.’” Luke 23:43
Consider how fortunate we are to be called His children living with His promise that we will be with Him in paradise one day. If you have ever been on the ocean in a boat during a storm or swimming against the current, you fully understand how helpless we are against it’s might. There are vodou priests living in the neighborhoods of many homes and schools we feed in Haiti. They refuse to pay attention to God’s Word and instead seek out Satan for assistance as they sacrifice animals in their temples.
While on our May trip in Haiti, we drove past multiple vodou temples on the way to Colminy. This school meets in the church which has no walls around the compound for protection. Next to the school and church are many very small shacks where many families live. They were given chicken coops to raise chickens for food but with the lack of walls, the gangs in the area would come at night and steal the chickens. These children and families also hear the vodou drums pounding on Saturday nights in their neighborhood as the priests call upon evil spirits to do their business in attempting to keep the Christians from attending Colminy Church on Sunday morning.
I am sure that we all have known people who refused to heed God’s Word and closed their ears so that they could not hear the Truth. Paul says that men also close their minds to God’s general revelation in nature, as well as His special revelation in His Word. Sinful man turns away from God and willingly chooses to believe in the lies of Satan; the grand deceiver. Thank you for helping to prepare over 28,000 young missionaries in Haiti to bring the message of Salvation to the closed ears and minds in Haiti.
The children in the photo attend Colminy and they fully understand the power of the vodou priest, but take comfort as you and I do in knowing that the power of our Triune God is more powerful and mighty than all the forces of the evil foe. We can be sure that He is with us, in control of the storms and will ultimately bring us to be with Him in paradise.
Dear Heavenly Father, you have called your servants to ventures of which we cannot see the ending, by paths yet untrodden, through perils unknown. Give us faith to go out with good courage, not knowing where we go but only that your hand is leading us and your love supporting us through Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. Amen.
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