At the Sunday, August 6 worship service, Paul Kritsch, pastor of Chapel of the Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, Sharps Chapel, TN announced that the church’s Norris Shores property has been sold and that as a result the church’s building fund more than doubled. At the announcement, the congregation broke into applause and stood to sing the Doxology: Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow. At the Sunday, August 6 worship service, Paul Kritsch, pastor of Chapel of the Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, Sharps Chapel, TN announced that the church’s Norris Shores property has been sold and that as a result the church’s building fund more than doubled. At the announcement, the congregation broke into applause and stood to sing the Doxology: Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow.
“Our congregation has been truly blessed by generous people,” noted Pastor Paul. “Wendy and Gary Krueger who donated the property which was sold, Dawn and Bill Protzer who donated the land on Sharps Chapel Road on which our first church building will be built, and Margo McCaffery who is a church member and realtor who worked so hard to make the sale of the land a reality are all examples of the people whom the Lord is gathering as our church.”
The congregation is confident that at God’s timing their first building will become a reality. Currently worship services are held each Sunday at 10:30 AM in the Community Center, 1542 Sharps Chapel Road. A weekly neighborhood Bible breakfast meets each Tuesday at 9:00 AM, also in the Community Center.
The church actively seeks to support their community through the gathering of diapers and baby food which are shared through the Union County Food Bank, an annual children’s coat give away, this year on October 21, the gathering of paper products to be given out at the December 9 Union County Charities Giveaway, and by working at the monthly Second Harvest food distribution at Upper Room Ministries in New Tazewell. On September 15, the church will host its 3rd Annual Patriot Day Dinner to honor the Sheriff’s Department, Station 51 Volunteer Fire Department and Ladies Auxiliary, the Sharps Chapel Emergency Squad, and the local Fire Prevention and Forestry Service.
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