Dear Trinity HOPE Supporters,
2019 is here! We hope and pray this new year brings you great joy and you have many opportunities to glorify God by serving others. You are certainly a tremendous blessing to the children in Haiti through the on-going sponsorship of our schools, and we want to share our most sincere thanks.

Life in Haiti continues to be more and more challenging, and the unrest among the people seems to be growing. Since July 2018 there has been a noticeable increase in the number of protests and demonstrations throughout the country, with the fundamental cause seeming to stem from the frustration and concern the people have with their government leaders. At times these demonstrations have become violent and in some rare situations, have even led to death. In most cases, these demonstrations are pre-planned and the majority of people stay off the streets and remain safely in their homes. However, they also result in the children not being able to go to school on those days, and we have seen attendance dip some this year during those times.
Despite those challenges, the work Trinity HOPE is doing throughout Haiti continues to move forward, and God continues to bless the ministry beyond measure. At the beginning of this school year, we added six new schools to our feeding programs, representing an additional 172,000 meals each year. We are now serving 121 schools each day and providing well over 4,000,000 meals each year.
We give God all the glory for everything He has allowed us to accomplish! We also give God tremendous thanks for each of our supporters and for allowing us to partner with you. The children at our schools are so blessed by your generosity and support. To show you their appreciation, they have prepared the enclosed materials especially for you. We hope you will enjoy them and will continue to keep these beautiful children in your daily prayers.
Thank you for all you do, and may God bless you and fill your 2019 with His joy and peace!
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