You Can Help Through the District’s Tornado Relief Fund

Photos from Faith In Action LERT
A line of thunderstorms passing through the Mid-South on Saturday, December 9 spawned tornadoes that heavily damaged the middle Tennessee communities of Madison, Hendersonville, Gallatin and Clarksville—killing 6 people and leaving many more injured. Damage assessments have confirmed impacts of an EF2 tornado in Hendersonville and Madison and an EF3 in the town of Clarksville.
TORNADO RELIEF FUND of the Mid-South District —
The Mid-South District has established a Tornado Relief Fund to bolster recovery efforts in the tornado-ravaged communities. Contributions to this fund can be made online or by check:
ONLINE — Please use the link below to share a gift online. When donating online, please designate your gift for the Tornado Relief Fund.
BY CHECK — Checks can be made payable to the Mid-South District Office, with “TORNADO RELIEF FUND” noted on the memo line. Please mail checks to:
Mid-South District Office
1675 Wynne Road
Cordova, TN 38016
MID-SOUTH LERT TEAMS Helping with Recovery —
The Mid-South District now has a Lutheran Early Response Team (LERT) based out of Faith Lutheran Church in Hopkinsville, KY: Faith In Action Disaster Response. Led by Rev. Trae Fistler, in partnership with our District Disaster Response Coordinator, Jan Simko, the Faith in Action team is already in the area providing hands-on assistance in the recovery effort. For current and timely updates on their activity, please follow the team on Facebook at Faith In Action Disaster Response.
A team based out of Ascension Lutheran Church in Madison, TN is also hard at work coordinating response efforts. Ascension has been designated as the LERT “hub” for recovery efforts in the storm-impacted areas of Madison and Hendersonville. For updates on those activities—including ways you can assist or request hands-on help with storm clean-up—please follow Ascension Lutheran on Facebook at Ascension Madison.
Please lift in prayer all those impacted by these devastating storms—including those who are now part of a difficult and lengthy recovery effort. You are also encouraged to share this call for aid with others. Together, and with God’s grace, we can help bring hope and healing to these shattered communities.
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