Lutheran Institute of Management and Entrepreneurship (LIME) deeply thank the LCMS Mid-South District for the continuous and faithful support for its ministry through education. We, at LIME, are happy to send you, our supporter, these few photos showing students having successfully passed the oral defense of their theses as part of the requirements to obtain the Licentiate Degree. They were fifteen students, girls and boys in total. They were of different tribes: Merina and Betsileo of the highlands, Betsimisaraka and Antesaka of the eastern region, Antanosy and Antandroy of the southern one and one from the northern one.
We take this occasion to thank the LCMS Mid-South District under the leadership of its President, the Reverend Doctor Roger PAAVOLA for this wonderful outcome of the partnership between LIME and the LCMS Mid-South District. You have opened a horizon of future for these young Malagasy students. Now they have a better chance to find a job by obtaining this Diploma. Thank you very very much.
Thanks to Jesus Christ, the Good Teacher, for your steady and faithful support.
Pastor Randrianasolo Joseph

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