May 12-14, 2025
2027 State Park Entrance Road
Bismarck, AR 71929
Register by April 12
The 2024 West Pastors Conference is fast approaching. You will not be required to call the hotel for room reservations for this conference. The hotel requires a rooming list from the District. To assist us in making your reservations, please indicate your roommate and your date of arrival and departure on your registration form. Rooms are reserved for the conference through April 12, 2025. We must have your reservation by then. After that date, any rooms not reserved will be released back to the hotel.
The conference fee for meals provides five meals and all breaks.
NOTE: No lunch will be served on Monday and Wednesday for our group. You will need to eat lunch before you arrive on Monday.
What is the cost?
Registration Fee $ 100.00
Meals – includes 5 meals and all breaks $200.00
Hotel Accommodations (Shared Room) $115.50
TOTAL $415.50
NOTE: If you want a single room, your total cost will be $531.00
RETIRED PASTORS (See “Retired Pastors” Below)
Your wives are invited to attend. We would ask that you pay an additional $160 for the meals if they plan on eating with you. If your wife is attending and will be eating meals with you, your total cost will be $731.00.
If more than one pastor from a congregation is attending, the congregation pays for each pastor’s meals and accommodations but only one registration fee. Per the standing rules adopted by the conference, all District congregations (including those vacant, served part-time or served by a deacon) are expected to pay the registration fee. In addition, even when a Pastor is unable to attend the conference, his congregation is still expected to pay the registration fee.
Mileage Reimbursement
This expense is the responsibility of the congregation.
Retired Pastors
Retired Pastors, who are members of the Mid-South District, are guests of the conference. The conference will pay the retired Pastors’ registration fee, lodging and meal expense. There will be no reimbursement for mileage.
If you would like a single room or if your wife is rooming with you, we request that you pay the difference for the two nights, which is $115.50. If your wife will be eating with you, we would ask that you pay an additional $200.00 to cover her meals.
The speaker will be The Rev. Dr. Harold Ristau, President of Luther Classical College with the theme, Spiritual Warfare for the Care of Souls.
Dr. Ristau has served the Church faithfully for over 20 years. A native Canadian, Dr. Ristau earned his MDiv. at Concordia Lutheran Theological Seminary (CLTS) in St. Catherine’s, ON, in 2000. He holds an MA in Political Science from the University of Waterloo (1996) and a PhD in Religious Studies from McGill University (2007).
From serving as a parish pastor at an inner-city, multi-ethnic LCMS congregation in Montreal, including prison chaplaincy and ministry to refugees, and from the mission field with Chinese and Muslims in Canada to the mission field with Lutherans in Africa, Dr. Ristau has committed his life to proclaiming the gospel to the lost and using his unique gifts to serve the Church in challenging positions all over the globe.
Lutheran Family Service will be presenting Wednesday morning. More information regarding Lutheran Family Service is available here,
Agenda WPC 2025 || Register Now!
God’s blessings on your travels.