Under the guidance of President Roger Paavola, a Family & Youth board has been established to assist with the Mid-South District’s family and youth ministry. The board’s vision is “Equipping Churches to Build and Sustain Family & Youth Ministry”. The family and youth board is eager to work with all congregations and offer resources that will fulfill this vision. The goals of the board are:
1. Researches, develops and secures resources for commissioned and volunteer youth leaders
2. Develops resources to enable and equip families, family ministries, enabling a sharing of faith
3. Considers meaningful service projects to be coordinated throughout the district
4. Establishes resources to encourage full participation of young families in life-long ministry
The board meets several times a year and will coordinate events throughout the year. Please feel free to contact any board member and be watching for communications from the board. Members of the youth board are:
Chris Jones – email Chris
Rev. Roger Paavola – email President Paavola