Where would the global Church and all the parachurch ministries be without volunteers? That’s a scary thought. More than any other entity in the world, the global Church relies on volunteers to accomplish its objectives…sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ throughout God’s Kingdom. So to all of you volunteers, and as a leader of […]
Welcome Rev. Belles
The ordination and installation of Rev. James Edward Belles took place on Sunday, March 18, 2018, at Grace Celebration Lutheran Church, Cordova, TN. Taking part in the Divine Service included:
Mother’s Day at Christ the King, Memphis
In the spring of 2011, CTK’s chair of the Board of Fellowship, in an effort to encourage inter-generational contact and expressions of faith, approached CTK member Caroline Johnson – known for her fabulous photography – and asked if she would be willing to take photos of members and their moms on Mother’s Day. Caroline readily […]
Volunteers from Chapel of the Good Shepherd
In a new church which meets in borrowed space, everyone is a volunteer doing what is necessary: cleaning and setting up the worship space; carrying in hymnals, altar paraments, communion ware, processional cross, baptismal font and bowel, keyboard, items for the visitors’ welcome table, Good Shepherd picture, coffee fellowship supplies, and coat hangers. After each […]
Volunteer Gives Praise Lutheran a Spirit-filled Gift
Dick Mohr, an elder at Praise Lutheran Church in Maryville, TN appears with Pastor Derek Roberts on Feb 11, 2018, the day of dedication of a new, baptismal font that Mohr volunteered to build for the church. Mr. Mohr researched, designed, and built the eight-sided font. He decorated the panels with 8 Christian symbols he […]
Ordination and Installation of Rev. Jerry Stobaugh
District’s First Pastor Installation Through Specific Ministry Colloquy On Saturday, March 10, the Ordination and Installation of Rev. Jerry Stobaugh was held at Holy Spirit Lutheran Church, Oakland, TN. Rev. Stobaugh is the first of several men who completed the requirements for Specific Ministry Colloquy in The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod. Congratulations to Rev. Stobaugh and […]
St. Paul Lutheran Church 125th Anniversary
Congratulation to St. Paul Lutheran Church, Gillett AR, celebrated it’s 125th Anniversary on February 4, 2018. Approximately 85 people attended the celebration along with the former and current Pastors.
Results of the LCMS Lutheran Youth Fellowship
2018 Leadership Training Search – 3 recipients The Youth and Family Ministry Board of the Mid-South District sought senior high youth to participate in a leadership development training to be held from March 15 to 18, 2018 in St. Louis, MO. The focus of this year’s training is Speaking the Truth in Love. As a […]
LCEF’s “Take Heart Scholarship” Is Back!
As young people across the country begin the next phase of their education journey by entering college, Lutheran Church Extension Fund’s (LCEF) Young Investors (Y.I.) Club wants to help by offering financial support through the Take Heart Scholarship, with up to three awards of $3,000, $1,000 and $500. There are only a few eligibility requirements […]
A Typical Day with Wimily
“Be strong and courageous,” that’s what God told Wimily, a little first grader who lives in Haiti. Her favorite verse is on her heart every day as she rises in her rural home to prepare for school. Her one blue uniform is sitting out as she and her sister dress for school before beginning their […]
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