Christ Lutheran School generously purchased and wrapped Christmas presents for 55 children currently in foster care.
Thanksgiving & Quilts of Valor
On November 18, 2018, Trinity Lutheran Church in Pine Bluff, AR celebrated Thanksgiving with our Annual Thanksgiving meal. Following the Thanksgiving Meal, we gathered in sanctuary where our Local Quilts of Valor Group “Never Forgotten With Honor” joined us and presented 14 of our 19 Veteran Members present, with a quilt made for each one […]
Students, parents, and faculty at Christ the King Lutheran School in Memphis showed true servant hearts as they participated for the first time in the “Go, Jim, Go” fundraiser for Le Bonheur Children’s Hospital. Every year since 2006, News Channel 3 meteorologist Jim Jaggers has ridden his bicycle 333 miles across the Mid-South, raising more […]
Concordia Christian Academy
Concordia Christian Academy is a family of learners and servants. Through many programs, activities and the help of others the students have, in-turn, helped many in our community and around the world with servant projects and fund-raisers.
Cross-Grade Family Groups Makes an Impact
1st Lutheran School in Fort Smith spends time daily in cross-grade family groups
A Busy Christmas Season
Our Savior Lutheran Academy The children of Our Savior Lutheran Academy in Nashville, TN had a busy Christmas Season! Our students and families strive to make positive impacts throughout our local community. Some examples being: sharing the love of Jesus by Christmas Caroling for the residents of a local nursing home, collecting toys for children […]
25th Anniversary for Heavenly Host Lutheran
2018-2019 marks the in Cookeville, Tennessee, and we celebrated in grand fashion at the end of September. Three events were rolled into one exhilarating weekend. The Eagle Run/Grandparents’ Day kicked off Friday morning’s activities on 9/28, and Heavenly Host Lutheran Church held its annual Oktoberfest on 9/29. Perhaps the most interesting innovation to Heavenly Host […]
Rite of Ordination for Rev. Bill Schutte
The ordination and installation of Rev. Bill Schutte took place on Saturday, October 27, 2019 in rural Mountain Home, AR. Pictured (L-R) are Rev. Brian Pummill, Rev. Joel Krogen, President Roger Paavola, Rev. Bill Schutte, Rev. Paul Baumann, Rev. John Easterling, and Rev. David Tews.
Christ the King in Memphis Receives LCEF Kaleidoscope Grant
LCEF Kaleidoscope Grant Christ the King Lutheran Church & School in Memphis, TN was among eight ministries chosen to receive a 2018 grant from the Kaleidoscope Fund, a granting program established by Lutheran Church Extension Fund (LCEF). Christ the King’s $35,000 grant will be used to host a ministry that uses the church to give […]
Food Distribution Held In Sharps Chapel
Neighbors worked together On October 19 and 20, neighbors worked together at the Sharps Chapel Elementary School to help people in need. The event was sponsored by Chapel of the Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, Sharps Chapel, TN which worships in the Community Center at 10:30 AM on Sundays. Over fifty volunteers came. There were Lutherans, […]
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