Graduates from Bishop Makala Training Centre in Negezi, Tanzania The good news is spreading in Tanzania expediently and the pastors rely heavily upon evangelists to assist them in serving their many congregations or answering the call to go into new areas to plant churches. The pastor will identify a man in his church who is […]
World Missions
Women in the Church: “As deaconesses…”
“…we watch for where there is need, and that is where we serve.” Deaconess Sandra Rhein traveled to the Bishop Makala Training Centre in Negezi to teach the deaconess training program. These ladies are eager to learn and bring their talents to the Body of Christ. This training program is also a part of the […]
Cows for Christmas….what a wonderful idea!
Mwaudi Lutheran Secondary School in Tanzania was able to purchase 9 female cows and 1 bull from the program at Redeemer Lutheran Church in Periora, IL. Seven of the cows were pregnant when they arrived and are due to calve in January. This also means the dairy herd will grow from 10 to 17 very soon. Redeemer […]
Thankful for God’s Plans
This is a letter written by one of Trinity/HOPE’s feeding program directors who attended Lutheran Seminary in Haiti and started a church in a very rural area of Haiti. Jean Philippe is Haitian and shares this experience of his first service in English which is not his native language. Thank you God for all the […]
Lutheran Heritage in Haiti
Religion in Haiti is complicated to understand at times. It is a country that yearns for a better life and freedom from oppression, and Vodou offers them neither. It is a third-world country that depends on others to help them survive and help guide them if they are to become self-sufficient. Thus, this environment provides […]
Mission Outreach Event, Bariadi District Tanzania
A mission outreach event occurred in the Bariadi District during the week of July 19-26, 2015 in the Southeast of Lake Victoria Diocese (SELVD). 107 lay people supported by 28 pastors joined in outreach in the villages, many traveling from other regions in Tanzania. The team was led by head of the Lutheran Church of […]
The Trail of Lost Soles – Part 2
We finally arrived at the Jeanitte School and were greeted by the elderly pastor, a young school principal, and several sharply dressed men. The school was built with wooden poles together with walls of small rocks and mud and a tin roof. I quickly realized not to lean on the walls as the dried mud […]
Madagascar update
Internet Access for Madagascar Mission! Following a tsunami of red tape and documentation delays, the Lutheran Institute of Management and Entrepreneurship (LIME) in Fianarantsoa, Madagascar, is now fully connected and on-line! Rev. Joseph Radrianasolo reports that the Wifi system installation was completed in early August, and students are enjoying the potential for expanding their skills […]
Tanzania Mission Trip 2016
In Matthew 28:19-20 Christ commanded his disciples, “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And Surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age”. […]
The Trail of Lost Soles Led to a Place of Great HOPE – Part 1
I had the opportunity to accompany my wife Denise and 8 other people on a trip to Haiti in June. While I have done minor mission-related activities here in the U.S., I have not been on a focused mission trip or to a third world country. Though I was very familiar with and supportive of […]
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