Trinity Lutheran Church in Mena, AR assembled “Community Welcome Baskets”, on Sunday, September 11th as part of their Rally Day celebration. These Welcome Baskets will be given to new home buyers moving into the Mena community through two local realtors. This outreach project is funded with a GROW (Gospel Reaching Our World) Grant through the Mid-South District, in conjunction with the 175th Anniversary of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod.
Included in the Welcome Baskets are paper towels, dish soap, bath tissue, hand soap, sanitizer, disinfectant spray, and other items to make the move into a new home a little easier. Also included are a Welcome Letter written by Pastor Timothy Henning, a newly developed church brochure welcoming newcomers to visit our church, a sheet of important questions and answers for newcomers to the community, as well as a $20 gift card to McDonald’s.
We assembled a dozen baskets to start with and will provide more baskets as the need arises. Upon completion of packaging the baskets, members gathered around laying our hands on them and praying for God’s Holy Spirit to accompany them and that they would be received with joy and thankfulness. We asked God to move the hearts of those who receive them to come and visit us at Trinity congregation.

About Grow Grants

A GROW Grant is a financial contribution from the Mid-South District to support an innovative ministry program or initiative to reach new hearts with the Gospel. For more information and how to apply, visit the District website
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