With this issue of the Encourager focusing on Lutheran Schools as we celebrate Lutheran School Week January 22-28th, it seems appropriate to highlight a specific Lutheran School in Haiti. These pictures are of Mourne Brouille in Les Cayes, Haiti.
This single building holds five classrooms and over 175 students. Their classrooms are divided by plastic tarps hanging from the ceiling, and with poor ventilation and small windows, the inside temperature had to be well over 100 degrees the day a Trinity HOPE mission team visited the school in May, 2016. This school is fortunate to have a cement floor and a metal roof, as many schools in Haiti have dirt floors and thatched roofs.
Despite the many differences between the Lutheran schools in the United States and those in Haiti, one thing remains consistent…they ALL concentrate on teaching the true Gospel of Jesus Christ. Above all else, we take comfort in knowing that those children attending a Lutheran School anywhere in the world are getting an education that goes well beyond just reading, writing and arithmetic. In the country of Haiti, where many of the children come from homes where the parents worship Satan through Voodoo, teaching the Gospel is changing the eternal future for thousands and thousands of children.
Trinity HOPE is a ministry that provides a nutritious noon meal to over 24,000 children, teachers and cooks in 118 Christian schools throughout Haiti. In many instances, this food received at school is the only food the children will receive all day. In every instance, this food feeds the children both physically and spiritually, allowing them to better learn and become a light for Jesus Christ. If you would like more information concerning the ministry, please visit www.trinityhope.org.
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