The pastors in the Southeast of Lake Victoria Diocese are so appreciative of the opportunity for conservative theological training in the US and in Tanzania.

We live in a world where our Christian values and beliefs are assaulted by the culture of this world. This is true in Tanzania as well. People living in the cities and small villages with electricity are exposed to the western culture through television and we see changes in dress and normal daily activities.
But, in some remote areas change has been slow and people cling to the old way of doing things. In these areas because of bad roads and remote locations the gospel message has been slow in arriving and many people still cling to the traditional animist beliefs in charms and spirits.
Trained pastors, evangelists who are well equipped and rooted in God’s Word, are needed to go into these areas to share the gospel message and to proclaim and to teach in ways that bring Christ fully into the lives of those people who have been seeking answers from the charms of a Witchdoctor. In 2015, 21 new pastors were ordained through the teaching of professors from Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne and this training continues quarterly at the Negezi Training Center.
The Mid-South District-LCMS has been actively involved in helping train pastors in the Southeast of Lake Victoria Diocese (SELVD) of the Lutheran Church of Tanzania. These men of God go into these remote locations to share the good news of Jesus Christ from the pulpit to the homes and to many people who have never heard the name of Jesus.
The SELVD continues to request that we continue our support of theological education in the Diocese.
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