If you are following the news from Haiti, you know that times are hard. In fact, many of the Trinity HOPE Feeding Program Directors tell us it is the worse it has ever been. Gangs are controlling many of the areas of travel and getting around the country is becoming more and more difficult for native Haitians. This is why the infrastructure used by Trinity HOPE is so crucial. Having native Haitians doing the work means that as long as kids are in school, they are able to be fed. One of the biggest ways you can support Trinity HOPE is through prayer. Here are a few prayer requests from our Feeding Program Directors:

“I want you to continue to pray for our country that we finally have peace so that more children can go to school. [It is hard] when they come to me every day and I cannot help them all.”
Cherubin—Arcahaie “Please pray for my family and I to keep our commitments with God; to serve and love Him above all, to receive His protection in our everyday life, and to continue to serve and love others “

Since the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic, Trinity HOPE’s U.S. staff have limited our visits to churches. We are so excited that the doors are open and we can again come see all of our faithful supporters.
While newsletters are a great way to give a snapshot of all that is happening in the Trinity HOPE ministry, we could not possibly cover it all in these few pages!
We are looking forward to scheduling a time to come visit your church to give the congregation an update on our ministry, the schools you sponsor, and Haiti as a whole. Even if we have never been to your church before, we want to come see you!
Please email us at admin@trinityhope.org or give us a call at 910-797-8357 or 615-394-4950 to schedule a presentation! We have a few spots open in November when our Haitian friends will be in town for our Haiti Hunger Fight events! This would be a wonderful opportunity for us to come visit!
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