Forty one new Pastors will be ordained in the Southeast of Lake Victoria Diocese of Tanzania on June 1, 2024. Most of these men have received their Theological training at the Negezi Training center. Their education has been supported by the Mid-South District and Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne. God has truly blessed this program.
Bishop Yohana Nzelu has asked if we could help him get Alb’s and Stoles for these men. He has found someone who can make them locally. The cost for a stole is around $10, (they would probably give them a red and a green Stole) and they will be able to make an Alb or around $40. So total cost for one Pastor is $60 USD.
He asked if we could help him raise money to purchase the material so they can start making them. If you would like to donate money to help purchase them. Please contact Bob Allen or send money to the Mid-South District LCMS, 1675 Wynne Road, Cordova, TN 38016 (earmark the check Tanzania Vestments).
— Bob Allen
phone: 270-535-7370