Dear faithful Trinity HOPE supporters, We want to thank you for your loving support to feed the children in Haiti and share with you some recent pictures and drawings we received from them. Please share these with your congregation. Hope you enjoy them as much as we have putting this together for you. Trinity Hope […]
Pastors Wives Retreat
Mark your calendar for the Pastors Wives Retreat The guest speaker will be Jan Struck. Contact the District Office for details. West Pastors Wives Retreat October 5-6, 2018 (Fri.-Sat.) DeGray Lake Resort, Bismarck, AR East Pastors Wives Retreat October 12-13, 2018 (Fri.-Sat.) Clarion Inn, Cookeville, TN Jan Struck Jan’s “Life Story” has included the […]
Trinity HOPE April Mission Trip
A team returned this weekend from Haiti and one team member shares pictures and captions. The team member is Ashley Owen from St. John’s Lutheran Church in Effingham, IL. On Wednesday morning we visited a small inner-city school, Jubilee. The students at this school truly had jubilant hearts. Though small in number, the children praised […]
Welcoming Vicars to the Mid-South District
It is our pleasure to welcome two Vicars to the Mid-South District from Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne, Indiana. Jon Carpenter, Faith Lutheran Church, Tullahoma, Tennessee and William Zwick, First Lutheran Church, Harrison, Arkansas.
Grace Lutheran Church in Murfreesboro, TN
On Sunday April 15, 2018 six adults became members of Grace Lutheran Church in Murfreesboro, TN through the Rite of Confirmation. Front row: Suzanne Hildebrandt, David Mendicino, Emilia Suggs, Jennifer Suggs, Tray Suggs Back row: Jonathan Carter, Pastor Thoe and Pastor Wenck
Good Shepherd helps clean up
On Saturday, April 21, 2018 Chapel of the Good Shepherd Lutheran Church in Sharps Chapel, TN helped to pick up the litter along Sharps Chapel Road, including the section which is in front of the property where their first church building will be built. Jeff Garretson from the congregation organized the event and heads this […]
Never Forget!
Never Forget! We cannot and will not forget to honor volunteers. I’m reminded of volunteers we can relate to in tangible ways. We could not be a church without the dedicated volunteers to do so much for the church. Volunteers are the ones that make our congregations, schools, and ECC’s efficient and pertinent for our […]
MLK 50th Year Remembrances
Dear fellow redeemed, it was 50 years ago this month that the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr was in our district to speak up for the striking Memphis sanitation workers. As the nation prepares for a national remembrance of the assassination of Dr. King, I would like to share with you a Lutheran connection […]
Lutheran Camp on Petit Jean
Register Now The early registration discount deadline for summer camp is just around the corner. Parents can deduct $50 from camp fees by registering their children and paying the fees by April 15. Other discounts are available for siblings, bringing-a-friend and attending more than one session of camp. Traditional and Specialty Camps In addition to […]
Welcome Pastor Floyd Smithey
At Sunday’s Devine Service (March 18th) Senior Pastor Edward Schmidt installed Pastor Floyd Smithey as Associate Pastor. He came out of retirement to serve on a part time basis helping to carry out the mission of First Lutheran Church & School in Knoxville, TN. The members thank God for this faithful servant and pray every […]
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