It all began when the well-intentioned mother of the sons of Zebedee (James and John) who asked Jesus to allow her two sons to be seated at His right and left, “… in Your kingdom.” Whose mother doesn’t want to have the best for her children? The parent who sees the dedication to any cause […]
Sharps Chapel Hosts Food Distribution
On Friday and Saturday, October 6 and 7, fifty neighbors from across Sharps Chapel, TN worked together on a Second Harvest Food Distribution held in the Sharps Chapel Elementary School. Over 13,000 pounds of food with a retail value of almost $23,000 were distributed to 135 families in need. The food was donated by the […]
Congregation Serving a Community Neighbor in Nashville
John Overton High School is a large metropolitan school located in south Nashville on Franklin Road, which is also near the location of Our Savior Lutheran Church. For the last four years, Our Savior has reached out to Overton High School by providing meals and building supportive relationships with the 90 members and coaches of […]
Diaper Drive
This fall, Our Savior Lutheran Academy in Nashville, Tennessee hosted a Diaper Drive through the organization, the Nashville Diaper Connection. Our Academy families, church members, and community collected diapers to give to families in need throughout Middle Tennessee. One in three families cannot afford to buy diapers for their children. These diapers will be a […]
Happy Reformation!
That’s right, on October 31, 1517, a professor of theology and Catholic monk named Martin Luther nailed 95 questions – propositions – on the door of the Chapel at Wittenberg Castle Church. The sound of a hammer hitting a nail not only rang on the streets of Wittenberg, but sounded a revolution that has changed […]
Ordination for Rev. Thomas T. Presley
The Rite of Ordination was held for Rev. Thomas T. Presley on Sunday, August 13, 2017 at Grace Lutheran Church, Huntsville, Alabama. The Installation of Rev. Presley will take place in Mountain Home, AR on September 17. Rev. Presley will assume his role as associate pastor and church planter in the Jonesboro Circuit of the […]
Associate Pastor Travis Ferguson
The Installation of Associate Pastor Travis Ferguson at Grace Lutheran Church, Knoxville, TN on July 30, 2017.
Each One Reach One Workshops
Workshops have begun The Mid-South District invited Rev. Dr. Mark Wood from the LCMS Office of National Mission in St. Louis to conduct the “Every One His Witness” workshop. There were 3 beta-test sites held across the district: Christ the King, Memphis, TN; Shepherd of the Hills, Crossville, TN; and First, Hot Springs, AR. Multiple […]
Sharps Chapel Building Fund Grows
At the Sunday, August 6 worship service, Paul Kritsch, pastor of Chapel of the Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, Sharps Chapel, TN announced that the church’s Norris Shores property has been sold and that as a result the church’s building fund more than doubled. At the announcement, the congregation broke into applause and stood to sing […]
70th Anniversary of St Philip Lutheran Church
Celebration of the 70th Anniversary of St Philip Lutheran Church, Chattanooga, August 20, 2017. Celebrants for the event included Rev. Joseph Jacks, resident pastor; Rev. Ed Rosser, preacher; and President Roger Paavola, sending greeting from the District and Synod.
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