Jesus’ final words leave us with an instruction to make disciples of all the nations. He let His followers know that all authority on heaven and on earth is His and that He is always with us. What great news this is! It fills my heart with peace and excitement for what God is doing […]
World Missions
Mid-South District LCMS Tanzania Mission Trip 2017
We are making plans to make a mission trip to Tanzania, located in East Africa, below the equator on the Indian Ocean. Tanzania is one of the most stable and peaceful countries in Africa. It is a little larger than Texas with a few more people than California. This year’s trip will be to visit […]
Report on my pastoral visit to the refugee camps in Uganda
Narrative report I left Kitale Kenya on the 17th for Kampala to join the Lutheran Media Ministry Uganda (LMMU) team and Rev. James Odoo from the Lutheran Church of Uganda (LCU) to go with me to the refugee camps in Adjumani area northern Uganda. On the 19th December I left Kampala for northern Ugandan, heading […]
Update on the Bowls and Spoons in Haiti
We are so overjoyed to receive the generous gift from the Mid-South District based on Pat’s sharing her experience of the need that many children didn’t have bowls or spoons. The need was in many districts including those Pat visited and in Jeremie which received a direct hit from Hurricane Matthew. We sent money to […]
Christmas Greetings from Third General Assembly SELVD
Christmas Greetings from Third General Assembly SELVD ………….. Christmas and Happy New Year Greetings from South East of Lake Victoria General Assembly to LCMS President Dr. Matthew Harrison and Mid-South District President Rev. Dr. Roger Paavola. We also feel happy to send greetings to Concordia Theological Seminary Fort Wayne President Dr. Lawrence Rast and the […]
Thanksgiving Night in the Hunger Fight Events
Do you remember the first time you rode in an elevator? Or the first time you tasted a roasted marshmallow? For most of us, it was probably when we were a young child. That’s not the case for Lafleur Jores, a Trinity/HOPE feeding program director from Haiti. Lafleur visited the U.S. for the very first […]
Presentation of Mission Grant Funds
Middle Tennessee Zone President Sandra Gean presents a $5,000 check to Keith Logan of Trinity/HOPE Ministries. “Thanks so much and we are SO appreciative of the Mid-South District LWML. You all have been such a blessing for many years, and we are privileged to serve God along side you. Thank you again for blessing the […]
The Naomi Project
Widowhood is difficult in any country, but in third world countries the issues are compounded. The widow must deal with immediate survival and often she is not allowed to remain on the land she farmed with her husband because the land reverts back to the husband’s family. There is no life insurance policies, pensions or […]
Tradition: \tra-’di-shan\ 1) an inherited, established, or customary pattern of thought, action, or behavior (as a religious practice or a social custom). Lutherans are known to be rich in traditions. Whether you’re looking at our denomination’s roots in Germany, one of the many Lutheran churches here in the U.S., or a small rural Lutheran church […]
Follow God’s Will
The caption on this photo could read; “Ain’t God good.” Those are words made famous by country, Christian comedian Jerry Clower and often used by John Hall of Trinity/HOPE. This photo is Tarrasse, the first Haitian Lutheran School with a Trinity/HOPE feeding program. It was truly a God blessed journey that John and others took […]
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