“Thank You for the 12,923 meals provided by the Sunday Offering! [from District Convention]” In June 2015, Trinity/HOPE led two teams to Haiti to experience first-hand how the Holy Spirit is working through the feeding program at the schools. Six Mid-South District churches were represented on the trip from Sevierville, Knoxville, Memphis, Hermitage and Nashville. […]
World Missions
2015 Tanzania Mission Trip
This year a group from Mid-South District LCMS went to a new district of the Southeast of Lake Victoria Diocese called Meatu. Not only was it a new district but it had a new district Pastor Patrick Zengo. Patrick was ordained in 2014 after completion of his seminary training. Meatu is a hot dry region […]
A Servant Heart
A good leader is someone who sees a need and regardless of self-interest makes a positive difference for others. This describes the founder of Trinity/HOPE. With God as his spiritual head, John Hall followed the Holy Spirit’s lead to move others to work together feeding thousands of hungry children in Haiti so they could grow […]
Bringing Technology to Lutheran Education Ministry in Madagascar See the great pictures of Rev. Joseph Randrianasolo and his students at the Lutheran Institute of Management and Entrepreneurship installing and using their new computers, made possible by generosity shown through the Madagascar Technology Task Force campaign. Exciting Follow-Up on the Madagascar Technology Task Force from on […]
JEFFERSON AWARD to John Hall for Trinity HOPE
Story and award by FOX 17 Nashville,TN John Hall becomes the 3rd Middle Tennessee resident to receive the Jefferson Award for public service. FOX17 applauds his work on behalf of the children of Haiti and his ongoing efforts to expand his feeding program to more schools. It’s about 1500 miles from Nashville to Haiti, and […]
South East of Lake Victoria began 2 year training program
The South East of Lake Victoria (Tanzania) began a two year training program in August for Pastors and Deaconesses. Bishop Emmanuel Makala, working in conjunction with the Mid-South District, The Lutheran Church Missouri Synod, and Concordia Theological Seminary, located in Fort Wayne, Indiana, developed a 2-yr training program. Dr. Peter Scaer is coordinating this training […]
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