Tanzania, ELCT-SELVD (Evangelical Lutheran Church of Tanzania – Southeast of Lake Victoria Diocese) Great news from Shaun Trump. Teams from the Mid-South District have been supporting ministry to the Albinos in the Shinyanga Region. This year during our visit to the Mwadui Lutheran Secondary School, the Head Master/Assistant Bishop Yohana Nzelu showed us 2 new […]
World Missions
Haiti Hunger Fight
Trinity HOPE serves over 52,000 meals a day to children in Christian schools in Haiti. At $0.27 each, these meals are completely funded by our donors. The work God does through your generous donations is amazing! Each year, we partner with local churches to FUNdraise for the schools they sponsor. These Haiti Hunger Fight events […]
Tanzania Update
Dave Brown, member at Ascension Lutheran Madison, recently sent the attached pictures from our friend Pastor Timotheo Alfred from Emmau Lutheran Church in Lyalu Tanzania. Emmau Lutheran currently is worshiping over 170 each Sunday. Pastor Timotheo expressed his thanks to those in the Mid-South District who sent money to the Southeast of Lake Victoria Diocese […]
Mèsi Anpil (Thank You Very Much)
In early July, the Mid-South LCMS District had their convention in Memphis. Trinity HOPE was honored to be invited, and we felt blessed with the support. After entertaining the masses with the assembly of our booth, we were geared-up, excited, and ready to share our work with all of you! Not long into the day, […]
Making a Difference One Prayer and One Meal at a Time
As another school year comes to an end, we are once again reminded how grateful we are for your support. Life in Haiti can be difficult, but the children you feed are incredibly blessed by the assurance that each day they come to school, they know they will receive a nutritious meal. For many of […]
“An Empty Stomach Has No Ears”
Jesus said in Matthew 9:37, “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few.” How true that is in the country of Haiti, where voodoo is sanctioned as a national religion and more than 50% of the general population worships Satan through voodoo rituals. To advance God’s Kingdom, the country desperately needs to train up […]
Keeping HOPE Alive During Extraordinary Times
Life in Haiti is hard with many unable to find food daily for their families. Then a pandemic hits this already vulnerable country, making it even worse and those who were hungry are now on the verge of starvation. Since March 19 when the first case of COVID-19 hit Haiti, large gatherings were closed which […]
2020 LIME Graduates
“January 2020 was graduation day and took place at the church close to the Lutheran Graduate School of Theology at Ivory Avaratra where the Rev. Dr. Rakotonirina David studied to get his Master in Theology. I have been the President of that graduate school for 17 years before being appointed to preside LIME. The Rev. […]
Thanks be to God!
We are excited to share with you pictures of the children and their families receiving uncooked food at school during these challenging times. Even though the schools have been closed in Haiti, we have had the opportunity to continue feeding the children and their families using their schools as distribution centers. This has been an […]
LIME Students’ Studies Trip
Soatanàna (Madagascar) Editors Note: This is an email from Joseph Randrianasolo to President Paavola, sharing the latest about the students of LIME. These photos stand as testimonies of your mission through education in Madagascar. Some of the students are not Christians. They are either Muslim or just ancestors worshippers. Through this studies trip (under the […]
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