The 2019 mission team from the Mid-South District LCMS made up of members from Our Savior Lutheran in Cabot AR, Prince of Peace Lutheran in White House, TN and a team from Ascension Lutheran Church in Wichita, KS. Bishop Dr. Emmanuel Makala of the South East of Lake Victoria Diocese(SELVD) sent us to the parish […]
World Missions
Feed My Sheep!
In late May Trinity HOPE took a team of eight to Haiti so they could visit Christian schools and inspect the feeding programs run by the ministry. The little girl in the picture enjoys the bowl of rice and beans she receives at school. She attends Grace School in Thomasique, Haiti. This Christian school is […]
As we prepare for another trip to Haiti, we pray for the Holy Spirit to bring fruit to the seeds we plant. Jesus came to save each of us and bring us hope for today and eternity. Our amazing staff in Haiti plant the seeds daily as they ensure the feeding programs are running smoothly, […]
We Are Very Grateful to LCMS Mid-South District
Hi President Paavola and Pastor Russell, Greetings from Bor town, South Sudan in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. It is my pleasure to let you know how the funds you sent me last year to assist Rev. David Alier Makuol’s widow was used. The SSELC leadership weighed several options on how […]
Thank you for your Support to Trinity HOPE!
Dear Trinity HOPE Supporters, 2019 is here! We hope and pray this new year brings you great joy and you have many opportunities to glorify God by serving others. You are certainly a tremendous blessing to the children in Haiti through the on-going sponsorship of our schools, and we want to share our most sincere […]
“deaconesses..serve where needed”
Deaconesses have become active participants in South East of Lake Victoria Diocese (SELVD). Recently the focuses of these women has broadened to include new areas of ministry.
38 Graduates
38 Graduates from Lutheran Institute of Managerial Enterprise (LIME) Madagascar 2019 The fruits of our partnership “It is with joy and happiness that we send pictures of our partnership and cooperation. LIME graduated 38 students January 27, 2019. That was possible because of the support from the LCMS Mid-South District. You provided us many pedagogical […]
2018 Ralph C. Weiser Excellence in Ministry Award Recipient
This year’s recipient of the Ralph C. Weiser Excellence in Ministry Award is John Hall. John was the founder of Trinity HOPE, beginning the ministry in 1999.
November 2018 Madagascar Update
Thank You From Madagascar Ed. Note: The below is an email to President Paavola and the Mid-South District from Rev. Joseph Randianasolo of Lutheran Institute of Managerial Enterprise (LIME) “Finally, we got things together: printers, video projector, computers chairs and tables. The tables and chairs just came yesterday late afternoon. There were unexpected expenses which forced us […]
Tanzania Mission trip 2019
The 2019 trip will again focus on outreach to the Sukuma tribe, in a group of villages, located in the South East Of Lake Victoria District (SELVD). Bishop Makala will determine which area we will work in. The Sukuma are the nation’s largest tribe, comprised of 6 million people. Most of the people believe in […]
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